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Around The World On Foot With Baby

Around the World On Foot, With Baby

Gwen Weisser and Patrick Allgaier embarked on an incredible journey around the world on foot, and they didn't let a little thing like a baby stop them.

The couple, both in their 30s, spent three and a half years traveling around the world, without ever boarding a plane. They chronicled their experiences in a book, and now they're sharing their story with audiences in German cinemas.

Weisser and Allgaier's journey was an ambitious one, to say the least. They traveled through some of the most remote and challenging regions of the world, including the Amazon rainforest and the Gobi Desert. They also had to contend with extreme weather conditions, from scorching heat to freezing cold.

But the couple's biggest challenge came when Weisser became pregnant. They were in Siberia at the time, and they had to make a decision about whether to continue their journey or to head home.

They decided to keep going, and they gave birth to their son, Micah, in a small village in Mongolia. Micah traveled with his parents for the rest of their journey, and he even made an appearance in their book.

Weisser and Allgaier's story is an inspiring one, and it shows that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. They proved that you don't need a lot of money or resources to travel the world, and that even the most challenging circumstances can be overcome with a little bit of determination.
